Our local Health Care Committee was instrumental in helping develop a Health Care Tool Kit with the national LWV networking group HCR4US. It can be found on the LWVUS website at LWV Health Care Reform https://lwvhealthcarereform.org/
It is rich with resources for both the beginner or an advocate who has been working on healthcare for many, many years. It is a repository for multiple articles, program ideas, documentaries, action items, links to other organizations which are working on healthcare, etc. It is a wealth of educational information. Since many Leaguers and others have spent years gathering information and working on the issues surrounding healthcare, this group wanted to make these materials easily accessible to others.
The website and network are dedicated to educating and mobilizing League members to work toward legislation that enacts the goals of our LWVUS health care position, with a strong focus on expanded and improved Medicare for All (a single payer system. The materials are varied for different audiences, and they include pointers to resources for those who want to delve more deeply, and/or would like to do programming for local League or community meetings.